How to Pitch ClickUp to Management

Shaneel Narayan

12/22/20214 min read

Ahh you found ClickUp! Pat yourself on the back.

Despite upper management having the final sign off on software tools, it’s your opinion that counts. 

There are so many project management tools out there, and all of them claim they’re better, faster, and stronger.

But something caught your eye with ClickUp (blushing).

Now let us help you convince your boss to get on board.

But what’s the best approach to secure the ever-so-satisfying “yes”? 

Here are the best ways to pitch ClickUp to upper management:

1. The Problem Solver 🧐

Express the challenges you or your company faces (inefficiencies, miscues, gaps, etc.). 

Eliminate the dark ages of managing projects through outdated spreadsheets and juggling through multiple tools. 

It’s exhausting just thinking about it.

Favorably, ClickUp delivers a wide range of features that help you manage teams, projects, and much more.

❌ The time it takes to learn and navigate through numerous apps.

✅ ClickUp is an all-inclusive package that is built for efficiency and productivity.

2. The Demonstration 🎬

Before your pitch, take the opportunity to familiarize yourself with ClickUp.

Here are some great resources to help you out:

Once you’re ready, show them how ClickUp will solve your needs.

❌ What is the team working on? How soon can we complete this project? 

✅ With features like the ClickUp Box view, you’ll be able to see priorities, individual tasks, and progress all on one screen.

Don’t just take our word for it…

Here you can view an On-Demand Demo to learn more.

Get the popcorn ready!

3. The Support 🤝

Be confident. 

But that should be easy because… YOU HAVE A GREAT IDEA! 

You’ve found a productivity platform, ClickUp, that you think should be adopted throughout the company. 

Increase chances of success with management by getting the backing from your team (again, should be easy). 


Speaking of goals, ClickUp allows you to set and record Goals into smaller targets that can be used to track numbers, task lists, currency, and more.  

Just had to throw that in there… Moving on!

4. The Anticipation 🤔

It’s tough to get inside the mind of your boss. Although, we would advise not to try, it can be a scary place. 

What can be anticipated are questions. 

While your pitch is certainly compelling, management may have their drawback on potential costs and disorder, in spite of the obvious benefits. 

Be prepared for questions like: 

  • What will be the cost? 

  • How does it work? 

  • How much time will we need to implement?

You get where this is going. 

Be prepared with concerns that upper management is likely to have.

But before you get too excited (rightfully so) about introducing ClickUp as the new productivity tool, take some time to examine subjects that will affect you and other departments. 

We’ve got you covered though.

Will it Reduce Time? ⏰

Ever heard of that saying, “save 1 day a week”? 

Oh wait, that’s ClickUp’s slogan.

Nevertheless, it applies here.

✅ You can set goals and track progress.

✅ Create and assign tasks

✅ Oversee progress of tasks

✅ Connect with your team 

✅ Process documentation

✅ Automate repeated tasks

✅ Evaluate results

Wow. Don’t you just feel the time being saved?

Sure, you definitely can use multiple tools for just one task, but… why? 

All you need is ClickUp to save one day (that you wouldn’t have with other tools) to kick your feet up. 

Will it Help Teams Work Together? 🤜 🤛

Without a tool like ClickUp, tasks fall through the cracks, miscommunication happens, and duplicates appear. 

Really messy stuff. 

ClickUp streamlines communication by bringing all of your tasks, progress, and feedback in one place so nobody is out of the loop. 

Whether you’re working remote, on an agile team, in finance, in sales, or just here for the GIFs, ClickUp allows you to track everything about your team in a single space.

Don’t you feel closer already?

Is it Flexible? 💪

Indubitably (an excited yes). 

ClickUp allows your team to work in whichever way fits them best. 

Basic to-do list? No sweat.

A complex project management workflow? Sure, if that’s your style.

The dashboard is customizable to each team’s personal preferences, with different view options and information relevant to them. 

Beyond task management - ClickUp provides docs, reminders, notes, calendars, goals, and much more.

ClickUp can be accessed anytime, from wherever you may be.

Conclusion 🔚

This isn’t Shark Tank where you have to prove you’re smarter than “Mr. Wonderful” (sure, Kevin O’Leary is probably laughing somewhere).

Although, that would be pretty cool. 

You’re simply showing the value of ClickUp to upper management and how one app would replace all. 

Now that you’re ready to pitch, it’s time to level up and get the support your idea deserves.

In the meantime, innovation won’t stop here.

Be sure to check out a new version of ClickUp released every week.